
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Boys Bar Mitzvah Celebration

A Bar Mitzvah is a coming of age celebration for young men of the Jewish faith. The parties are hosted by the parents, grandparents and friends and usually end up being very large affairs, similar to weddings. A Bar Mitzvah is a very important milestone, and the Jewish community holds nothing back when celebrating them. Bar Mitzvahs are not a new practice, but the celebrations that follow have only been happening for a century or so.

When you begin planning for a Bar Mitzvah, start with the guest list. All the supplies and food you will need is determined by the size of the guest list. Then order or purchase invitations and send out at least 30 days ahead of time and ask for RSVPs.

Decorations can be minimal or extravagant and include balloons, streamers and table centerpieces. A party supply store will have all of the tools needed to create your own design. They can also help when choosing what works best for you in your tastes and budget.

If you are renting a hall or having a large outdoor tent, you will need serving ware. Plates, cups, napkins and silverware can all be purchased in an array of colors to match all of your decorations. With having a large guest list, allow extra time for ordering since the party supply store may not have the correct number in stock

Food is usually provided by a caterer, but you can also plan your own menu. The budget is the only limiting factor when choosing food and/or alcohol choices. Special cakes for the children will be required for both the ceremony and the reception afterwards. A caterer can handle that, or a special bakery can fulfill your needs.

Gifts are given at Bar Mitzvahs so be sure to purchase enough thank you cards to send afterwards. Enclose a picture of the celebrant from the day so they have a memory of them and their passage into adulthood.


Fitness and Exercise For Children

Fitness and exercise are important. We all know that, and had that lesson drummed into our heads in school. But, how much attention do we pay to our children when it comes to fitness and exercise? In our modern day, too many children spend the majority of their time either on the couch in front of the television, or in their rooms on a computer or playing a video game. Fitness and exercise, a natural part of childhood in past generations, is something that the modern child and the modern parent have to work at on a daily basis.

If your child is lacking in fitness and exercise think about enrolling your child in an after school sports program of some sort. Soccer is a popular fitness and exercise method, and in the proper season so is hockey, softball, baseball, lacrosse, football, tennis, and even golf. Many parents find that their children enjoy swimming and as one of the best methods of fitness and exercise in the world, swimming should be encouraged. This can be simple playing or exercising in the water, or formal swimming laps in an Olympic sized pool. Both methods of fitness and exercise are great.

Those who live in rural areas may find fitness and exercise to be easier to come by than those who live in urban areas or in the suburbs. In a rural area, a child has fields to play in, woods to explore, and sports like fishing, as well as chores like feeding livestock. For the rural lifestyle fitness and exercise is more ingrained. For children living in the city, fitness and exercise can be explored at the nature center, at the Y or health club, and with after school activities. Even simple games like four squares and playing with a jump rope can be good forms of fitness and exercise.

Wintertime seems to be a time when many people, both children and adult, forsake their fitness and exercise programs. That is too bad because that makes it all that much harder to get back into shape when spring comes around. Fitness and exercise is something that should be pursued all year long. During the winter sports that keep a person indoors, like bowling, are good choices. Also indoor health clubs and activities like mall walking in groups are good choices for fitness and exercise. Whether a person is a child or an adult, fitness and exercise should not be overlooked.


Surf's Up, It's a Beach Party!

Some of the best beach parties can happen in the Midwest, with temperatures below freezing. Sounds crazy? It is, but it is a memorable and fun way to celebrate a birthday, retirement or special occasion. Beach parties can happen in the summer too, near a pool or a lake in any region.

A beach party needs radical invitations, man! You can follow a surfer theme and use surfboard shapes or any beach theme motif from the party supply store. Other supplies like paper products for food and decorations can match your beach party motif.

Decorating can be fun. Buy plastic beach balls and blow them up to toss around your party, whether its inside or out. Buy an old fishing net and hang from the corner of one room. Fill it with sea creatures and marine life, or use it to put in pictures of the guest of honor. If your party is outside, truck in some sand for beach volleyball.

Use the sand and have a sandcastle competition. Give away personalized party favors to all the winners. Besides volleyball, other sand activities can be horseshoes, Frisbee and football. If there are kids at the party, bury a treasure and create a map for them to follow. Depending on their ages you can make it difficult or easy to find. Use a treasure chest and bury candy or plastic trinkets for them.

If your beach party is inside in the winter, have guests bring their swimsuits and change into them. Turn your thermostat really hot to get them in the mood. Heat and swimsuits will make everyone in a better mood and look forward to spring and summer.

Serve finger food and anything with a beach theme. Make surfer sandwiches or tidal wave macaroni salad. Use regular dishes but jazz them up with a title.

Writing Good Online Profile

Satellite Radio: XM Radio or Sirius?

Satellite radio is the hottest trend in radio entertainment for your car, home, and office. The freedom from commercials and static is an exhilarating experience. No longer do you have listen to obnoxious jingles and hot air. No longer are you condemned to choose between dead air and Country & Western when traveling in rural areas.

Commercial-Free, Digital-Quality Sound

All of these problems are solved with satellite radio. And there is nothing else in the radio world that can compete with its digital quality sound. Satellite can provide uninterrupted listening pleasure anywhere in the world.

The only problem is deciding upon which satellite radio provider to choose. The top 2 contenders are Sirius and XM Radio. If you want satellite radio, you are immediately faced with the issue of how to choose between them.

XM Radio, First In The Sky

XM Radio established its presence first, and has a market share of 2 million listeners. XM has had the time to establish an excellent system of 68 commercial-free music channels with an incredible array of music. It also adds 33 channels of news, sports, talk shows, and entertainment to its programming mix. To top it off, XM has revolutionized the satellite radio world by providing 21 channels of up-to-date weather and traffic for most of the major metropolitan areas in the United States.

Sirius, Radio Innovator On Satellite TV

Sirius may be the comparative upstart, but it offers some advantages of its own. New contacts with DISH Network satellite television have given Sirius access to more than 10 million subscribers. It provides more than 120 channels if you add up all of the music, sports, information and entertainment.

For sports, Sirius is hard to beat. It broadcasts live games for professional football and hockey leagues, as well as many other sporting events. Sirius will also be the home of Howard Stern in 2006.

New Technology, New Listening Experience

So, whether you choose XM Radio for experience and staying power, or cast your vote for the innovations of Sirius, there's no reason to wait. Satellite radio is to broadcast radio as the VCR was to television. You can have it all -- without commercials! So what are you waiting for -- pick one.


About Asbestos

Everyone that has ever heard of asbestos knows that it is extremely dangerous. Nevertheless, not everyone is familiar with what this toxin is and what kind of precise dangers it poses to those individuals that are exposed. Let's take a look at some of the dangers associated with this hazard below.

Asbestos is actually a mixture of six natural minerals and it can be found in older buildings, older textiles and older plastic products. It is much like fiberglass in consistency and when it is airborne it is extremely dangerous and toxic to humans and animals alike. Asbestos, when airborne can lead to a disease termed, asbestosis - a form of lung cancer. In essence, long term exposure results in the damage of lung tissues which are irreversibly scarred and permanently damaged.

Anyone who has endured long term exposure may begin exhibiting the signs and symptoms frequently associated with asbestosis: severe difficulty breathing, spasmodic coughing fits, and in worse case scenarios, exposure can lead to death. Likewise, gastrointestinal cancer, cancer of the esophagus, mesothelioma, cancer of the intestines, is also a risk for those that are exposed. In addition, exposure to asbestos has also been known to wreak havoc with the human immune system, weakening it to a state where it does not function properly. Clearly, exposure to this natural hazard is extremely dangerous. Yet, what can people do to protect themselves from exposure? No matter where one discovers a source of these minerals, whether they are from old building materials like special cement or other products, it is imperative that they act quickly to have them immediately removed.

There are a number of companies that focus on the removal of this toxic hazard. Testing can be conducted to detect the hazardous material and if the test proves positive it is imperative that the property owner takes measures to ensure its immediate and safe removal.

No one should ever attempt to remove hazardous, toxic material themselves: especially in terms of asbestos. The removal of this particular toxin requires trained professionals who are skilled at handling such poisons. First, the material will need to be wetted to keep the it from becoming airborne and threatening those in the surrounding area. Next, the toxic waste will need to be professionally contained and sealed and removed from the location. Workers will be required to wear special equipment to protect themselves, like respirators, coveralls, rubber boots, eye protection and rubber gloves to prevent the toxins from entering the body.

Further, warning signs will need to be posted during the process of removal. Air conditioning and heating systems cannot be used during the process of removal because doing so would promote the toxin's airborne travel. Likewise, any area being worked will have to be sealed off until the removal process is complete. Finally, all removal work will have to be followed up with a decontamination process. Clearly, the removal of this dangerous toxin is something that is better left to the professionals that are used to handling it.


Fishing Resorts

There's nothing more relaxing than fishing at your favorite fishing spot. Whether one is a beginner or an adept at this ancient pass time, fishing can serve as an enjoyable hobby and sport. In fact, for those that love to fish, there are fishing resorts that one can visit and vacation at. Thus, there are prime spots for everyone to fish! Moreover, many fishing resorts are easily affordable, all you need to do is bring along your equipment!

For those who love to fish, resorts serve as a prime vacationing destination. There are resorts offering five star accommodation, full service restaurants, and a number or outdoor recreational activities to take part in along with any fishing expedition one may want to take. Water skiing, rafting, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, cycling and more can all be had at different resorts in addition to your beloved pastime.

Moreover, if you enjoy hunting, in addition to being an avid fisherman, you can go hunting for deer, caribou, moose, bear, rams, and more when you visit many of the resorts and lodges designed specifically for such purposes.

There are many resorts and lodges to choose from when you want to fish. In fact, as an example, the state of Michigan has numerous sites one can visit and fish at. Ackeley Park Rapids, Cass Lake, Crane Lake, Detroit Lake, the Gunflint Trail Area, Hackensack, the Lake of the Woods, Lake Winnibigoshish, Lake Kabetogama, Lake Ely, Lake Mille Lacs, Leech Lake, Rainy Lake, Lake Vermillion, and the Upper Red Lake all offer fine opportunities to fish in the state of Michigan. Now imagine just as many offerings in other states and you can see the number of opportunities one can find to vacation and fish!

Some resorts offer hotels, while others offer cabins and a campground for quite relaxation. You can spend time on the beach or when you are not about to fish, you can spend time touring all the local hot spots and attractions. Cabins can be rustic or modern and will provide visitors with the ultimate sense of "living in the wilderness" and many of the cabins are large enough to handle big groups of people. Some cabins have a porch where one can sit and see the scenic views as the sun sets and twilight settles in. Cabins that are fully furnished with most everything one would require for comfort can be easily rented for a week or more and give the entire family a vacation worth remembering.

Some resorts and lodges also supply extra curricular activities to engage in when you are not fishing the waters. Volleyball, horseshoes, tennis, golf courses and hiking trails are just a few of the many alternatives such vacationing destinations supply. So, if you are planning to fish this vacation, your best bet is to visit a resort or lodge and get all of your entertainment needs met at one location. Moreover, your accommodatios will be waiting and ready for you and you will find yourself wanting to visit such resorts each and every year.


Major League Soccer - Then & Now

With its primary goal to be the worlds most competitive and prestigious soccer league, along with one of Americas premier sports and entertainment properties, Major League Soccer is a large part of worldwide soccer news and is making great strides toward accomplishing its objective. With 6 teams making up the Eastern Conference and an equal number featured in the Western Conference, Major League Soccer is going strong with 12 clubs in only its 11th season.

However, soccer news recalls that the league has made great achievements since its inception in 1993. Its inaugural season began in 1995 and soccer news stirred around the new formation of teams, event locations and new players. In 1996, soccer news reported the Leagues first player draft and spring training. As attendance continued to grow, ESPN began televising soccer news and popularity soared across the nation. During this year, more soccer news reports and members of the media began covering MLS events. Supporters turned out in large fashion to catch a glimpse of their favorite teams and players.

In 1998, Major League Soccer underwent its first expansion season, which meant big changes for the League. With the addition of two teams, which brought the club count from its original 10 to the 12, soccer news introduced the latest League members as Chicago and Miami. Both teams proved powerful during their first year as they advanced to the playoffs. The following year, in 1999, Columbus Crew Stadium officially opened as the first major league stadium in the United States that was constructed specifically for soccer. Its presence paid off as thousands of fans packed the house to watch featured competitions.

In 2002, Major League Soccer removed 2 of their 12 clubs from the roster and once again returned to 10 teams. Tampa Bay and Miami were no longer League teams, but were replaced in 2004 with other expansion teams. Real Salt Lake and Club Deportivo Chivas USA joined the League and brought the club number back up to its current 12 teams.

The clubs of Major League Soccer consist of both domestic and international competitors. With such a diverse roster, players are constantly being featured in soccer news magazines, soccer news televised programs and interviews.


Internet Profits

Ever thought about jumping into the deep end to start a business? Well I have; and I must say even though the prospects can be amazing, it seems a little out of reach and a bit scary. I couldnt afford the risk and most certainly cant conceive how to get started. Well that was until recently.

I bet most of you at some stage have heard about regular people (like us) making huge financial profits through some kind of internet business and thought to yourself wow, if only I had some internet know how and some business savvy, I bet that I could do something similar. Well the honest truth is YOU CAN!!

I came across this really cool e-book about making money online and I was truly amazed about the content. The most amazing thing about this e-book is that it makes things so clear; the internet is widely used to gather information, we are living in the information age, the best product you could possibly sell on the net would have to be information!

Anybody whos passionate about something potentially has a wealth of knowledge about a niche that someone else is willing to pay for. The key word niche is a term that describes a common interest, a common problem, or even a common desire. A niche market is ultimately a group of people who are already inclined to a certain subject.

So now all you have to do is to come up with some great information for your niche product to sell, your probably not sure whether yours will be good enough to stand out from your competitors and as you may be aware there is a lot of competition to be the best, fortunately there are techniques available to ensure yours will be one of the best and most unique on the market. Id like to talk about a couple of these techniques now. After checking out your competition you might find that they may all offer something unique about their product that is a Unique Selling Proposition (or U.S.P). So if youre selling unique information, customers will only be able to get that information if they buy from you. You can also maximize your U.S.P by having multiple U.S.Ps or perhaps find all your competitors U.S.Ps and combine them into yours and then youll have the mother of all unique selling propositions! Guess wholl want to buy from you? This is a really powerful way to make your product desirable and attractive to potential customers.

If your wondering about how to create these U.S.Ps just visit your competitors and take note of their U.S.Ps, do some homework, come up with ways to improve, and develop those ideas. Try to make yours just that little bit better.

Dont forget this product is yours to keep so continuous improvements can always be made. Your product will become your asset and like all assets they need nurturing and renewing to keep them on top and valuable. The beautiful aspect of an information product is that you can make improvements wherever you are so long it adds value and enhances the content.

These are only a few ways that you can add value to business. Information products can literally sell themselves with the right strategies. Take the first steps toward your business it can be perpetual as well as profitable.

All the best

Dan Greco


Podcast Secrets Revealed

There you are, flipping through the radio stations yet again, looking for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, worth listening to. Maybe youll find a song here or there that you like, or a talk show on a subject you are interested in. Then its time to flip the stations again. What I need, you think to yourself, is my own personal radio station.

Enter the world of podcasting! Podcasting is just like having your own radio station, programmed with your favorite items and ready for you to listen anywhere, anytime. With podcasting, you can listen to:

[o] WHAT you want

[o] WHEN you want

[o] WHERE you want

No more searching and hoping to find a radio station that plays your favorite music. No more missing a talk show broadcast because you are sitting in class or in a meeting at the wrong time. With podcasting, you get just the content you want, from the sources you want, when you want. And there are no ads or commercials! What Tivo has done for your TV viewing, podcasting can do for your radio listening, and there is no FCC regulations either!

So what exactly is podcasting? A podcast is an audio file stored on the Internet that you can download to your computer or MP3 player and listen to whenever you want. It might be music, or it could be a talk show, a lecture, a recorded tele-seminar, a sermon, a football game, etc. Podcasting gives you the ultimate in choice and convenience.

o Podcasting is all about CHOICE

Podcasting offers you unlimited choices in listening. Even though podcasting is a relatively new technology, there are already thousands of podcasts to which you can subscribe. No radio station in your city that plays the indy music you love? Check out East Detroit Radio.

Want to improve the koi pond in your backyard? Subscribe to Koi Club of the Air.

Parenting questions? Try the Front Porch Parenting podcast.

You can find a podcast on literally any subject you are interested in! In fact, currently lists 2,380 podcasts in 15 different categories, while lists 4,493.

Another advantage of podcasting is that, because podcasts can appeal to niche audiences, they can cover their topics in much greater depth and be far more informative than regular radio broadcasts, which must appeal to a wide audience. Also, with a podcast, you can back up and listen to a segment again if you missed something the first time. If you come to a segment that is boring, you can fast-forward. You can listen as many times as you want to all or part of the podcast. And you can stop listening all together for a few minutes, hours, or even days if something else comes up.

o Podcasting is all about CONVENIENCE

MP3 files have been available for download from the internet for years. But what makes podcasting different and truly useful is that you can subscribe to programs you are interested in. This means you dont have to check your favorite podcast web sites every day for new episodes and manually download them.

Instead, free podcasting software automatically downloads new episodes to your computer as soon as they are available. This makes it easy and convenient for you to stay up-to-date with your favorite podcasts.

Once your podcasts are downloaded to your computer, you can synch them to your MP3 player, burn them to a CD for playback on your CD player, or simply listen to them through your computers speakers. This gives you the ultimate convenience of listening to your programs at your leisure. You can listen to the podcasts whenever you want as you are driving, walking, exercising, knitting, etc. With a podcast, you can be mobile, live your life, and listen to your content ANYWHERE.

o Podcasting is FREE & EASY

Not only are podcasts themselves generally free, but so is the podcasting software you need! Both podcasts and podcasting software are easy to find on the internet and are easy to use.

Podcasting is waiting for you!

If you havent been exposed to podcasts yet, you soon will be! Podcasts are literally everywhere now, and more podcasts are being created every day.


Remove Permanent Marker From Carpet

How do you remove permanent marker stains from carpet? Well, the bad news is that it's called "permanent" marker for a reason. Depending on how new and how deep the stains are, you may not be able to remove them completely.

You can almost always lighten stains, though, and sometimes make them unnoticible. There are other things you can do to hide the stain as well. Start with the method here to get out as much as you can.

First, thoroughly vacuum the area. This removes any loose dirt, dust or other substances that might give you trouble when you work on the stain.

For the carpet stain removal solvent, use rubbing alcohol or a non-oily hairspray. Use a small amount on a clean white cloth, and dab at the stain. You should see transfer of the stain to the cloth. Use another dry cloth to blot up the solution between applications.

Just apply the solution and blot it up several times. Then rinse the spot with clean water and blot that up. Finally, dry the area thoroughly.

Get Out The Remaining Stain

If you couldn't get it all out, and if the stain isn't too deep, it's time to cut out some carpet - just a little. Try snipping away the stained edges with small scissors or with a razor blade or exacto knife. Use tweezers to carefully pull out severely stained fibers.

When you try the latter, you might want to remove clean carpet strands from another, hidden area in the room, and then glue them into the stained area. Then leave a heavy object on the spot for several days before walking on it. That's how you remove permanent marker in all but the worst cases.


Baseball Jerseys - Jerseys Depict Baseball History and Culture

Baseball Jerseys- Every Jersey Has a Story to Tell

Who knows the charm and delight of wearing baseball jerseys better than a baseball fan? Probably every American Baseball League fan has a baseball jersey and in her/his closet. Use of sports equipment only by the baseball players is an outdated phenomenon. Now baseball jersey has become a normal piece of clothing of American Baseball League and Major Baseball league fans.

Authentic Jerseys- Fashionable Clothing and a Collector's Delight

Baseball jersey is popular among baseball fans because it not only looks good and trendy but also is normally acceptable attire in most of the places. Moreover, it is much more than a fashion statement. Baseball jersey you wear is your personal statement of your baseball affiliation, liking and style.

These jerseys come in a blend of cotton and polyester and are very comfortable to wear and convenient to wash and maintain. You can easily find a jersey of your favorite Major League Baseball team in all sizes. Even junior baseball fans can have a jersey for their size. You can easily locate a baseball jersey for your needs at the sports apparel store, sports equipment stores, local departmental store and online sports equipment stores. Online sports apparel stores have wonderful collections of authentic jerseys, replica jerseys and custom jerseys for baseball players and fans.

Off late, authentic jerseys of American Baseball League and Major Baseball league players has become extremely popular. Authentic jerseys are available for almost all popular baseball teams and players of present as well as the past. Some people have amazing collections of these authentic jerseys and replica jerseys of baseball players.

The collectors display their authentic jerseys as their prized collection. These collectors have a story to tell for every jersey in their collection. Every jersey has a history and interesting story about the player, team and match. Some collectors have custom jerseys with signatures of their favorite baseball stars and even complete baseball teams.


What Is A Youth Fundraiser?

When having a youth fundraiser, you need to keep the word youth in mind. Try to make it fun for them, as they will be doing most of the work. A youth fundraiser can be very profitable if done properly. You can get the funds you are looking for and provide fun for the kids that are doing it.

If you can find someone to donate the space, then a carnival would be a wonderful youth fundraiser to have. A fundraising auction would also be a big hit. Both fundraisers would cost very little to get together, although you will need a lot of hands on help from the kids and the parents. You will have to organize carefully for either one of these fundraisers to go off smoothly and successfully. Make sure each person knows what is expected of him/her and what needs to be done. Then youre on your way to lots of fun and big profits with your fundraiser for youth.

A youth fundraiser carnival can be put together without much cost. You could have a fortune teller which would only take a glass ball, a table, and someone sitting there in a long dress and a scarf tied around the head. Have a ring toss table, where people can try to toss a ring around empty bottles and have small prizes for the ones that are successful. The youth will really get involved with this type of fundraiser as they enjoy acting and playing the games.

Get large cardboard boxes and tape them together for a house of fun for the little ones or have a dartboard with safety tipped darts. Try a fish tank with magnetic fish in the tank and have a fishing contest, borrow a outdoor play set or a few of them and have this as rides for the kids, sell hot dogs hamburgers and drinks at your youth fundraiser these will surely be a hit with everyone.

Fundraising auctions are also a neat way to have a youth fundraiser. Have the kids go through the community and collect items that people dont need anymore. Get the youth themselves to donate any games or items that they dont need. When you accumulate enough items you can start your fundraising auction. Set your items up in a large area and have a set time for viewing. Once the prospective buyers have seen all you have to offer, you can start your bidding.

At a youth fundraising auction it is best to have a set price to start with and anything that is bought above this price is like icing on the cake. It will make it more than profitable for the amount of donations you need. These are not the only choices you have for a youth fundraiser. Have a brainstorming session and you will be surprised at the ideas the youths will come up with.

Youth fundraisers can be a lot of fun.


Child Care - When Is It Too Much? - Part II

In this second of a two part series we're going to discuss what can be done to balance between child care and giving your child the attention he deserves.

To balance out the care your child gets between the child care center and yourself, assuming that both parents have to work or in the case of a single parent, there are several things that can be done.

This isn't always easy, but try to work out a flexible work schedule with your boss. If both parents work a day job maybe you can arrange to have one of the parents working either at night or a staggered shift, say starting at noon and working to 8 or 9. This way one parent will be home with the child most of the morning and the other parent can be home with the child all evening, leaving only a few hours each day that the child is actually in the care of a day center. This may not seem like much but every hour is something.

Another thing a parent can do is see if it is possible to take the child to work with him or her for at least a couple of days a week. Some work places actually have daycare facilities inside. While it is true that the parent will be spending most of the time working and not with the child, there is still the ride to work, lunch and break times and the ride home that they can spend together. Just this little bit of time to break up the day can make a big difference in your child's disposition, especially if he is old enough to look at the clock on the wall and know that in a short time mommy or daddy are going to be picking him up for a nice lunch together.

If neither of those are an option then there is another alternative that is actually becoming very popular especially among mothers. That option is to become a Work At Home Mom or what is commonly referred to as a WAHM. A work at home mom is just what it sounds like, a mother that does her work out of the house. Today, with the advent of the computer, this is easy to do. There are many legitimate opportunities a mother can find on the Internet that can pay her for the work she does at home, from stuffing envelopes to typing ads. Of course she has to carefully check out each opportunity before getting involved, as there are many scams out there, but once she finds something with a good reputation, usually a company that is a member of the BBBOnline, she should be able to make a decent enough income to justify her staying at home. It may not be as much as what she would make in an office but when you factor in that there are no transportation costs, no lunches to pack, etc., the income may be more than enough to get the family over the hump.

The bottom line is this. We don't have children to dump them in a daycare center. Children need their parents. There are ways to make that happen. It just takes a little effort and a little compromise.


Surprise - It's Party Time!

There are a lot of fun ways that you can incorporate a surprise party into your celebration. If you think the guest of honor would enjoy it some ideas are birthdays, anniversaries, retirement or any other congratulatory type party.

When making the guest list you will of course go according to the guest of honors address book. Friends, family, business associates or people from the past making a great starting point when sending out your invitations. If, for example, it=s a 50th birthday celebration, you could urge guests to bring an old photo to share. Whatever you decide, make sure to let everybody know its a surprise and not to spill the beans!

The photos people bring along will serve as a great party favor. They could be given to the guest of honor or tacked up on a bulletin board to be displayed. For a more in depth collage, try gathering photos ahead of time to create more elaborate displays.

Having a personalized banner made would give you a center piece for your decorations. A guest book could be used, or for a more original idea have a couple of markers on hand for party-goers to sign the banner and write a short message. This is a great party favor for the guest of honor to take home to be either put on display or tucked away as a keepsake.

When choosing the setting of your party, consider all of this persons favorite places. It could be anything from a restaurant to a golf dome. You should arrange a date of two to four people to go out to this place. By doing this, they will not suspect there is anything more to come. All the party-goers can be ready and waiting when the small group arrives.

If the surprise party is held at home, all of the decorations can be found at a party supply store. Plates, cups, crepe paper and balloons come in many colors to coordinate with any theme. A party planning specialist will help you coordinate all of your needs for the big surprise!


National Anthem

A national anthem in general, is a patriotic musical composition that is recognized formally by a country's government as their country's official national song.

This idea of identy came about during the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, with the rise of the national states. It was at this time when most countries adopted a national anthem, which often times coexisted with other commonly sung patriotic songs. For example, Although Canada's official national anthem is "Oh Canada", another widely recognized national song is "The Hockey Song", due to Canada's strong history in the sport of hockey.

Typically, anthems will try to acomplish the goal of reflecting the unity of a nation by galvanizing the history, traditions and struggles of its people within the song. In the nineteenth century as anthems first rose to prominence in Europe the style of music common then has continued to be used in almost every national anthem. Even where western orchestral music was a foreign notion, like in nations of Africa and Asia, the national anthem is still usually in European style. Some countries have challenged the dominance of dated orchestral music, like Australia for example. "Advance Australia Fair" has been the national anthem of Australia since 1984, but there is much support for the folk ballad "Waltzing Matilda" as a national song. Some even considerate a candidate for the national anthem. This is much like the example I mentioned above with Canada and "The Hockey Song"

National anthems have in the past and will continue in the future to be an important part of the history of the countries of the world.


Dealing With A Mental Disorder; Your Anxieties, And Your Fears

It is not easy to deal with your fears, anxieties, or any type of mental disorder. If you have such a problem, the first step is that you should talk to a professional who can get you started in the right path of getting better. Getting help from a counselor or other professional is very important and can provide you much help and insights in dealing with your current problem. Getting help from a professional should be the first thing you do in getting better. In the meantime, here are some techniques a person can use to help manage their fears, anxieties, and other issues.

Learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week or coming month, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. Focus on the present and stop trying to predict what may happen next week. Next week will take care of itself.

A good way to manage your problem is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, the first thing you can do is to divide the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

Sometimes, we may be nervous doing a certain task that may be scary. When this happens, visualize yourself doing the task in your mind. For instance, you and your team have to play in the championship hockey game in front of a large group of people in the next few days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. Imagine that your playing in front of a large audience. By playing the game in your mind, you will be better prepared to perform for real when the time comes. Self Visualization is a great way to reduce the fear and stress of a coming situation.

Sometimes we encounter a scary situation that gets us all upset. When encountering these events, always remember to get all of the facts of the given situation. Gathering the facts can prevent us from relying on exaggerated and fearful assumptions. By focusing on the facts, a person can rely on what is reality and what is not.

As a Layman and not as a professional, I realize it is not easy to deal with all of our fears and other problems, however there are all kinds of help available. Remember to take advantage of the help that is around you. The key is to be patient and not to give up. In time, you will be able to find those resources that will help you with your problems.


Better to Be Safe Than Sorry

Many documents in your possession may either be impossible to replace, or extremely difficult to replace, should the need arise. A safe-deposit box or a fireproof box is the perfect solution to storing these types of documents. You will need to determine whether or not you want the document stored on-site at your home, or off-site at your bank.

Items that Should Not be Placed in a Safe Deposit Box
Anything you would need in an emergency
Living Will / Medical Directives
Funeral or burial instructions in case you need them over the weekend
Power of Attorney Originals
Passports in case you need to take a sudden trip outside the country

Insuring Contents of a Safe Deposit Box

Be sure to read the contract for your safe deposit box carefully. Banks do not insure the contents of what you put in the box. Fire, floods and theft are very rare at banks, but it does happen. Most banks will only be liable if you can prove that they were negligent and failed to use reasonable care to prevent a loss. If you are concerned about this, you should check with your insurance agent to find out if you need additional coverage for items placed off-site that may not be fully covered under your homeowners or renters insurance policy. Items typically placed in a safe deposit box that you would want insured may be; jewelry, coins and stamps. If you are storing checks or cash in your safe deposit box, you also will not be covered under the FDIC since you have not deposited them directly into your account.

Items to store in a Safe Deposit Box or Fire Proof SafeThe following list is intended to be a reference for you. It may not be a complete list of the documents or articles in your possession that you need to protect in a secure environment. You may wish to store all of your items at home in a fire proof box, or you may desire to store them off-site in a safe deposit box. You might determine that the best solution for your needs is to have a combination of both storing some of the most important and most difficult documents to replace in a safe deposit box and the rest in a fire proof box in your home. The solution you choose to store these important items is for you to decide, but which ever solution you select, be sure to follow through and take the steps needed to store these important documents. You will thank yourself later when you are looking for these documents, or heaven forbid should there be a fire or flood in your home.

Adoption Papers (Originals only)

Automobile title(s)

Bank account numbers and contact information

Baptismal and other Religious Certificates

Birth certificates (Originals only)

Cemetery Deed (Originals only)

Child Custody Agreements or Parenting Plans (Originals only)

Citizenship papers (Originals only)

Collectibles that are valuable

Credit card account numbers (copy the front and back of each card so you have both the account number and the customer service numbers)

Death certificates (Originals only)


Divorce decree(s) (Originals only)

Employee Benefit Records

Family historical information

Household inventory and appraisals of antiques, artwork, collectibles and furs you may also want to include photos or videos to help document these items

Important contracts

Immunization Records

Insurance policy names and numbers (home, auto, medical, life, renters)

Investment certificates

Jewelry and jewelry appraisals


Marriage certificate (Originals only)


Military records


Naturalization Certificates

Negatives of important photos such as those from your wedding

Patents and copyrights

Photos of Possessions

Rare Stamps and Coins

Real Estate Deeds

Retirement plan information

Stock and bond certificates

Veterans Papers

Accessing your Safe Deposit Box in case of an Emergency

In case of an emergency, you will want to know in advance who will be able to have access to your safe deposit box. Different states have different laws on who can access the box when you die. Some states make it easy for a family member or the executor of the estate to access the box, while other states require a court order to remove the will, which will take time and money. You can rent the safe deposit box jointly with a spouse, child, or someone else that would have unrestricted access to the box. They will however need to sign the rent agreement as well. If you die however, in some states there still may be delays for the co-renter of the box to be able to access the contents. Giving someone a key to your safe deposit box, does not give them permission to access the box, rather their name needs to be on the contract with the bank.

Create an Itemized List of Contents

The final steps to organizing your important papers and valuable items is to be sure to create an itemized list of those items that you are storing in either the safe deposit box, fireproof box or both. Be sure that you list the location of each item and the date that it was stored. Periodically, review the contents to see if you need to update any of the items that are being stored, such as new banking or credit card information. If you have a safe deposit box, take the itemized list with you and update it with you while you are there.


Tucson Realtor-Your Key to the City

If you are moving to the Tucson, Arizona metropolitan area find a Tucson realtor to get advice on the best neighborhoods for your lifestyle and budget. Tucson is a growing yet comfortable city with a thriving business community, a top-notch university, a flourishing cultural center, and beautiful desert surroundings with nearby mountain hideaways. You will find outdoor sports and sporting events to suit every taste. Whether you are a young family looking for a place to put down roots or a couple ready to retire and enjoy life, a good Tucson realtor can help you to find the perfect home to live out your dreams.

Tucson is one of the larger metro areas in the United States with a population that will likely top 1 million in the next few years. The city of Tucson itself is almost 600,000. But, even with a growing population, you can still find that small town or suburban feel. A good Tucson realtor can find you the perfect neighborhood for you, whether you want an exciting night life, great schools, or a golf course nearby.

The influence from south of the border has given the area a decidedly Hispanic and Latino flair-which you may notice when you are taking a tour around the city with a Tucson realtor-from the entertainment, to the food and the buildings. However, other cultures are represented as well. Have your Tucson realtor show you some of the historic neighborhoods and the newer developments as well.

Tucson has several art and history museums and also the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, which is recognized as one of the best zoos in the country with its selection of hundreds of desert animals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish, and also a beautiful desert botanical garden. Your Tucson realtor can also tell you about the Arizona Opera Company based in Tucson.

For the sports fan, there are many options in Tucson as well. It is the spring training home for the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Chicago White Sox, and the Colorado Rockies, and home to a local minor league team called the Tucson Sidewinders. Have your Tucson realtor drive by the park. If youre a NASCAR fan, you will find exciting races at Tucson Raceway park. The University of Arizona has one of the top athletic departments in the nation.

The University of Arizona, is the leading employer in the city, and then Davis-Monthan Air force base. If you are already working with a Tucson realtor, you may already have a job lined up, but if you are looking for a new job, there are some areas that you should consider. Technology is a big part of the economy in Tucson. Your Tucson realtor can suggest some good ideas of where you should look. Consider Raytheon Missile Systems, Texas Instruments, and others which play significant role in the economic future of the area.

Tucson is a terrific area with endless opportunities for those who are looking to move there. It is a community with a unique flavor, where you can find everything from recreation, to retirement living, to family neighborhoods. It is also a college town and a cultural enclave. Talk to a realtor for the move of a lifetime.


Are We Our Children's Best Role Models When It Comes To Money?

Today, everything from Gameboys to Sony Playstation to Xbox machines are now common in most homes. Though affordable, should our children be able to buy anything they want? This is a question I get from most parents. But what parents fail to understand is, when they try to keep up with what their neighbors have, it puts a major strain on the family's finances. Our children are now copying our ways by trying to keep up with us!

We need to be sure to keep our finances in order and show our children good fiscal responsibility. Money is a precious resource that we work hard for and should not be taken lightly. The average person has a revolving credit debt of over $8500 and bankruptcies are on the rise. What we do as family money managers goes a long way in teaching our children how to manage their own money matters.

Financial mismanagement inside families is a growing problem that can be devastating to children. Losing a home to foreclosure, having to move because of bad debts, learning to do without many of the luxuries they had before can lead to depression, lack of self-confidence, and unresolved feelings toward their parents for putting them into that position.

What is even more painful for children, is how parents isolate them from the reasons why things happened. Children need to understand that it is not their fault and that the parents made the mistakes. Parents must sit their children down and explain how mismanaging finances can put families in financial peril. If children are left to wonder, they will experience the same mistakes when they become adults.

This can be avoided at all costs if parents take the time to learn basic financial management skills. Here are some things you should be doing right now to keep your children from having to go out into life without an understanding of what it takes to financially succeed in this world.

1- Get kids involved in your life!

Show them what you are buying, what things cost in real value terms, and why you need them. Explain the differences between wants and needs and how to manage their money the right way.

2-Get your children involved in making small financial decisions.

This is a good way to show them what can happen if they make the wrong choices in life and what the consequences will be.

3- Make them aware of what money can and cannot do.

Money can make people do strange things. It has been written that it is the root of all evil but it can help those in need. A good example of this is the work that charities do. Money in itself is not bad. Only what people do with it that can turn bad.

4- Get your children involved with your shopping.

Have your children start cutting out coupons and filing them away for you. Use this as a time to teach math and language skills (especially if they are young), and allow them to help you shop by retrieving items on your list. Giving children responsibilities teaches them discipline, which is sorely lackingin our youth.

5- Don't just say no when they ask for something.

Explain to them the reasons behind why they cannot have the item, whether for financial, or other reasons, and show them alternatives that will give them confidence to make proper decisions later in life.

Children are a lot smarter than we give them credit for and they understand things better if you involve them. Don't talk down to them. Let them have a say in their lives. You will see that, we as parents, can change our destructive financial habits, and give our children something they need right now... the financial wisdom to carry throughout their lives.


Real Estate Tax Incentives

Lower Your Taxes

Tax incentives for real estate investors can often make the difference in your tax rates. Deductions for rental property can often be used to offset wage income. Tax breaks can often enable investors to turn a loss into a profit.

For which items can investors get tax breaks? You could claim deductions for actual costs you incur for financing, managing and operating the rental property. This includes mortgage interest payments, real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance, repairs, property management fees, travel, advertising, and utilities (assuming the tenant doesn't pay them). These expenses can be subtracted from your adjusted gross income when determining your personal income taxes. Of course, these deductions cannot exceed the amount of real estate income you receive. In addition to deductions for operating costs, you can also receive breaks for depreciation. Buildings naturally deteriorate over time, and these "losses" can be deducted regardless of the actual market value of the property. Because depreciation is a non-cash expense -- you are not actually spending any money -- the tax code can get a bit tricky. For more information about depreciation and various tax alternatives, ask your tax advisor about Section 1031 of the U.S. Tax Code.

Have a Positive Cash Flow

There are two kinds of positive cash flows: pre-tax and after-tax. A pre-tax positive cash flow occurs when income received is greater than expenses incurred. This sort of situation is difficult to find, but they are usually a strong and safe investment. An after-tax positive cash flow may have expenses that outweigh collected income, but various tax breaks allow for a positive cash flow. This is more common, but it is generally not as strong or safe as a pre-tax positive cash flow. Regardless of what kind of real estate you choose to invest in, timely collections from your tenants is absolutely necessary. A positive cash flow -- whether it be pre-tax or after-tax -- requires rental income. Be sure to find quality tenants; a thorough credit and employment check is probably a good idea.

Use Leverage

One of the most important factors in determining a solid investment is the amount of equity you are purchasing. Equity is the difference between the actual worth of the property and the balanced owed on the mortgage.

Benefit from Growing Equity

While investing in real estate is relatively complex, it is often worth the extra work. When compared to other financial investments, like bonds or CD's, the return on investment for real estate purchases can often be greater.

The key to real estate investing is equity. Determine an amount of equity that you want to achieve. When you reach your goal, it's time to sell or refinance. Determining the proper amount of equity may require the assistance of a real estate professional.


GPS Golf Balls Are Almost Here

As GPS technology gets better and better and smaller and smaller it will be able to be used for many things? For instance at the World Series a baseball hit into the third level will be able to be recorded by GPS as to exactly how far it was hit and its trajectory to formulate where it would have actually landed had the stadium been flat. Thus we will be able to tell who was the greatest homerun power house of all times, perhaps even who is on steroids based on their body mass, speed of pitch, GPS data and haptics (body movement and form). Wouldnt it be cool to be watching the World Series on TV and instant information about a homerun appearing on the bottom of the screen? Sounds like a whole new potential betting arena, not only how many homeruns a person will hit, but exactly how far they will hit them?

A football kick would be immediately known the exact yardage, every play near the sidelines would be instantly called in or out of bounds and there would never be any question as to if a football actually broke the goal line. I can hear the referee unions screaming foul already as they will no longer be needed or have jobs? Ouch? Soccer balls, off sides, out of bounds? Yes all possible via GPS data.

With sensors getting smaller and GPS units being used in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles of smaller and smaller size for Micro Air Vehicles and RFID imbedded chips, this technology believe it or not is ready for golf balls as well? All you need is a little imagination. So there you are Tiger Woods with a PDA device in your hands which measures the exactly where the ball is, how far to the next hole, picking up the data from inside the golf ball itself and the flag in the hole. Way-points are displayed also as to where the sand traps are, lakes, edge of fairway and the rough surrounding the green.

The World Think Tank recent discussion and brain storming session digressed from GPS navigational devices to sports and we came up with the idea to put GPS Sensors in golf balls, so you could find your golf ball if you have a nasty slice or heavy winds taking it off course. Part of our discussion also came from another recent think tank discussion on putting GPS sensors on Locusts Swarms in order to track them.

The idea of putting GPS sensors on Locusts is a noble idea, yet who will pay for this technology, as the locust is small and cannot carry much weight and still keep up with the rest of the swarm, which of course would throw off the reading? Our thoughts were to let the golfing community pay for it. After all if the locusts see such a green area of grass they would eat it all up.

As a kid I use to run on the golf course and saw balls way off the ranges and fairways. Some of these golf balls were custom, with people's names on them? Ouch adding insult to injury, I could immediately tell who the bad golfer was? With the new GPS WTT Golf Balls you could never lose your golf balls, because you would know their exact location via a set of satellites and that data would be displayed on your wireless PDA device. This PDA wireless Tracking device would be with you and you could carry it in a zipper pouch on the golf bag or on the steering wheel of your golf cart. Now then on the poles and flags of each hole would be another sensor so when you set the ball on the "T" for the next shot you would see the exact distance.

We went one step further and figured out how to integrate a mini-weather station system on you golf cart. It will be a slight modification of the Climatronics Corporations TACMET System. For those who liked to get a work out, it could be integrated into the golf bag with a small external periscope; See the TACNET System.

By integrating the GPS System with known GIS Golf Course Topography and exact weather readings from the TACMET System into the wireless PDA, the golfer would have all the data needed to make a perfect shot provided they had the skill and pre-cognitive ability to make it so. Our system will also be able to suggest the best club to use based on the ability of the golfer from previous courses, wind, distance and punching in of the golfers present fatigue factor based on a 1-10 scale.

A Sarasota Company, Great White Shark Entertainment is already busy installing WiFi and GPS systems such as golf shot distance measurement and course information which includes a Golf Cart mounted system and handheld PDA wireless mobile display. These systems will become great revenue enhancers for Golf Clubs and for the serious golfer who likes all the bells and whistles and has the money to afford them. There system is quite perfect to add to our idea or vice versa, check it out: The Inforemer, this information available at their website. GPS Industries is making it all happen.

The Our WTT GPS Golf Balls will be more expensive than normal balls but well worth it as the system teaches the player to shoot a better game. The golf ball could be the same weight? As any normal PGA Golf Ball.

A future thought along this theme would be to eventually have, thru special internal parts and shape shifting techniques, the ball if it got close would simply roll over to the hole and fall in. This would mean no one would ever have to give them a free put or allow someone to feel bad who fudged the score. This future idea would be great for the player who understands he is not anywhere near a scratch golfer but occasionally might like to play with a few. Or for the player who goes to the course simply to look cool, but has not brains or talent?

Make a Fortune in Business Without Really Trying

You can make a fortune in business without really trying, however, most people do nothing of the kind. Many more people try really hard and make little or nothing. Why does this happen. In many cases its because although they work hard, they fail to work smart. They expend far too much effort for meager returns. Perhaps this is you. Youve tried everything. Online business, offline business, eBay, you name it, youve tried it. Why has nothing worked?

It doesnt matter weather you are just beginning a home based business or have been running a business for years, there are certain things you must do in order to become successful. The first is planning. Its often been said that those that fail to plan, plan to fail. Do a business plan. A good business plan will cover all aspects of your business. It should include your service or product line, your marketing plan and a timeline for the future. You should have a good financial plan as well. Where will your revenue come from? Where will it go?

Do you need capital to begin or expand your business? If you plan on seeking financing, either from conventional sources, such as banks, or other sources such as private investors, they will want to see how you plan to spend their money. This will help them evaluate your chances of success. After all, your ability to repay the loan or increase the value of their shares depends upon how you will be using their money.

A business plan will also enable you to plan for contingencies so you can effectively deal with them. The more you can plan for risk, the better you will be able to mitigate them. You dont want to be waylaid by something unexpected that could cost you dearly. Youll never be able to anticipate all business problems, but you can plan for as many as possible.

The next thing you need to do is execute your plan effectively. Many great plans, in business, sports and war have been undone by poor execution. Youll probably need to make changes to your business plan due to unforeseen circumstances or opportunities. These are similar to the halftime adjustments made by a football coach. Its often the coach or business owner who makes better adjustments that is the most successful.

The third thing you must do is test everything. You should test your marketing and advertising to determine what gives you the best R.O.I. If you are doing pay per click advertising or other online advertising, you have an advantage in that you can very quickly see the results of any changes you make. Youll probably see big differences from small changes. For example, headlines can often give very different results from just one or two word differences. The only way youll know is through rigorous testing. Test different product mixes to see what sells the best to your market. Do lots of research and find a good niche to market to and then test, test, test.

These three things, planning, execution, and thorough testing combined with the resultant changes, can make you a fortune in your business. Failure to do any of these things properly can limit your profit and chances for ultimate success.